Nutrition, simplified.



discover how good you can feel

Nutrition, simplified.

join me for a new class series!

The Eat to Beat class series provides practical information about nutrition and lifestyle changes you can realistically make for the long-term. This is no snooze-fest or over-your-head info… it’s all about where the rubber meets the road of daily life.

Spring and Summer classes tackle topics such as inflammation, pain, hormone imbalance, sleep issues and toxic overload.

Join me for one, or all! To find out more and register, click the link below. Can’t wait to see you there!

serving the greater sacramento area and beyond

Hi, I’m Jessie!

I’m a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who’s passionate about empowering women like you to take charge of your own health, listen to your body, and ultimately feel like the truest version of yourself. Because we need more of YOU in the world! 

I see you.

Your beautiful life requires much of you. But you don’t have the energy to be who you need to be for all the things and people relying on you (including yourself). Your life is living you instead of the other way around, and inside, you’re struggling.

Sound familiar?

I’ve been there!

What if I told you that you could feel better?

What if you could wake up in the morning, actually feeling rested and ready to face the day? What if you could rely on your hormones to work FOR you and not against you? What if you didn’t need that mid-morning (and mid-afternoon) caffeine jolt, or the latest diet to make you feel at home in your own skin? 

I can help you reclaim the energy you need to live that beautiful life of yours to its fullest!

need all-day energy without the afternoon slump?

Download your All-Day-Energy Breakfast Guide

You have a lot on your plate and your days require much of you. Don’t sell yourself short by skipping breakfast or grabbing something on-the-go! Getting in a balanced breakfast is a great first step toward getting off the blood sugar roller coaster, which means all-day energy without the sugar cravings and dreaded afternoon slump! 

This guide gives you loads of breakfast recipes, warming drinks, shopping lists, dairy-free subs and more, all dedicated to my favorite meal of the day!

a personalized approach to nutrition

It’s All About the Fundamentals


Food is not just fuel, it’s information. Give your body the right information it needs to function the way it’s designed. I’m here to help you find the right foods for you as well as help you learn how to incorporate them in a simple, straightforward way.


“But I don’t have time to rest!” In truth, you don’t have time NOT to rest. Let’s work together to find ways to incorporate some simple but effective strategies to get your body the rest it needs.


Moving your body in a way that is true to your soul is essential for overall wellness. Some of us are dancers, some walkers, some soccer players, some yogis. I help you listen to your body in order to find what’s right for you.

the Latest dive down a nutritional rabbit hole

On the Blog

bite-size info on food and life

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Kind Words from Clients

“I can’t thank Jessie enough for opening my eyes.”

“All the information I learned and applied in this class has changed mine and my families lives forever. I left class feeling so motivated and ready to make the change and we have never looked back!

– “Kid Food” Class participant

“I have been feeling better than I have in what feels like forever.”

“I even had my cycle and didn’t have my usual issues, which honestly felt so foreign! I’m super thankful for everything!”

-A.J., 1:1 client

“I feel so much better now…”

I didn’t realize how feeling bad had become my “new normal” until I went through the RESTART® program. I feel so much better now and believe I have the tools I need to change my approach to food and healthy eating.”

– L.P., Restart group participant

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When you subscribe you'll get your free breakfast guide delivered straight to your inbox! You'll receive monthly newsletters with topics on food and wellness, rest, recipes and more!

Yay! Thanks for joining the community! Your breakfast guide is on its way!